New visitor is a visitor who has reached a site for the first time. This is used in comparison with returning visitors as an indication of loyalty and site value.

In general, the more returning visitors your website gets, the better. That is a good indicator that your website provides a good value and people really want to visit it again.
Logically, returning visitors are performing better when compared to new visitors. Take a look at the difference in conversion rate in the table above.
How to get more new visitors?
There are multiple techniques for getting more new visitors. Here is a list of some:
- Organic
- Produce more high-quality content
- Social
- Share valuable information on relevant social media channels
- Paid traffic
Low number of Returning Visitors?
In most cases, it means that the content on your website doesn’t meet the expectations of your visitors. Try improving your content or targeting a different audience.
Last modified: April 26, 2017
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